God's Gift to You in 2022
Romans 6:14-23 |
Who We Are "in Christ" thoroughly prepares us for the New Year!
An often-heard objection to the teaching of "SECURITY OF THE BELIEVER" is the idea that this doctrine somehow gives a saved person a license to sin. NOT SO -- A believer does not have a license to sin, or to continue a sinful lifestyle.
Part of our misunderstanding concerning the "Security of the Believer" is our narrow focus. We attribute these promises to arriving in heaven someday. And although this is true, it is not the only benefit. There is a benefit for the believer NOW.
Therefore, as we begin in the coming year, let us realize that God has prepared us "in Christ." We can live "holy, righteously and godly" in the present world. We can harvest the fruit of His abundant life in 2022. We can have "full joy" in Christ today, tomorrow, and throughout everyday of this New Year.