The Birth of Jesus, A Meticulous Plan
Luke 2:1-16 |
The meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ does not make sense unless we see how deeply these events are embedded within the grand story line of redemption. The Word becoming flesh and dwelling among men is tinged from the beginning with sacrifice and bloodshed.
To many today this sounds primitive and obsolete, something that does not make any sense for a modern world. Society wants a sensitive Jesus who conforms to their agendas. The Word of God is no longer accepted as absolute truth.
We need a Savior because we are alienated from God and stand under His righteous judgment. It is the sacrifice of Christ that cancels our sin by taking our guilt and absorbing it, praying for it, suffering, taking it upon Himself.
For this divine purpose Christ is born in a manger. Everything, even to the smallest detail, is calculated to bring Jesus Christ to the cross of Calvary.
"He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree!" (I Peter 2:24)